News and Press Releases
This News section has been prepared by Fairholme Capital Management, LLC, for informational purposes. The news articles are from sources believed to be reliable but Fairholme Capital Management, LLC is not responsible for the opinions or factual accuracy of information published by these independent, third-party media. The article links below will direct you away from the Fairholme Capital Management, LLC website.
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Fortune: How Uncle Sam Nationalized Two Fortune 50 Companies
By Roger Parloff. Comprehensive overview of the U.S. Government's "Third Amendment takings" of Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's shareholder dividends.
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The Hill: The future of Fannie and Freddie
By Logan Beirne. Opinion piece claims that the federal government has gone to extraordinary lengths to keep secret its activities related to seizing control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
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October 20
GuruFocus: Social Proof and How It Affects Our Investments
By Brian Flores. Summarizes the psychological and social aspects of investing, with a nod to one of Charlie Munger's (and Bruce Berkowitz's) favorite books.
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October 15
Washington Post: Government-backed mortgage lenders are awful - and essential
By Bethany McLean. Opinion piece describing the need for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which own or guarantee the payments on more than $5 trillion in American mortgages. The author notes the need for a housing policy, as she explains another housing crisis could be brewing.
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October 8
The Hill: Tearing down the wall of secrecy
By Tara Helfman. Relates how Judge Margaret Sweeney of the Court of Federal Claims allowed Fairholme Funds to file any and all materials designated by the government as “Protected Information” in other lawsuits challenging the government’s conduct toward Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
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October 8
NY Post: A White House flip-flop on Fannie and Freddie? Investors think so
By Michele Celarier. Discusses reaction of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shareholders to a controversial recent report that claims the Obama administration is now working to revive the beleaguered mortgage giants rather than phase them out.
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September 10
NY Post: Obama official hid Fannie and Freddie's profit mojo: suit
By Michele Celarier. Details a recent court filing by the attorneys for Fairholme Funds, Inc. in the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac litigation, which also provides a background description of the case.
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August 31
Miami Curbed: City of Miami Finally Gets Off its Tuchas
By Sean McCaughan. Announces that the City of Miami planning department has approved Fairholme Capital Management's new headquarters and art museum at 2626 Biscayne Boulevard, after multiple design revisions and months of negotiations.
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Fairholme's proposed headquarters and museum by Arquitectonica will showcase works by Richard Serra, James Turrell, and other iconic artists.
August 29
NY Post: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac settlements loom on horizon
By Michele Celarier. Relates news of a respected analyst's belief that the Obama administration may be considering settling with aggrieved shareholders of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
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August 17
The New York Times challenges confidentiality designations in support of Fairholme Funds, Inc.
The New York Times files a legal motion: "At issue on this motion is the public’s ability to monitor litigation that directly deals with critical decisions and acts of public officials during the financial crisis."
Read the motion
August 10
The Hill: The future of Fannie and Freddie
By Logan Beirne. Opinion piece claims that the federal government has gone to extraordinary lengths to keep secret its activities related to seizing control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
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July 20
NY Times Op-Ed: Fannie and Freddie are Back, Bigger and Badder Than Ever
By Bethany McLean. Opinion piece gives a brief historical overview of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac post-2008, how the companies came under government conservatorship, and suggests restructuring.
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May 18
Reuters: Warren Buffett impressed by children's money making ideas
By Jonathan Stempel. Covers the "Grow Your Own Business Challenge," a nationwide contest related to the Fairholme-sponsored animated "Secret Millionaires Club," in which Warren Buffett voices his own character to teach kids about finance.
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April 7
NY Times: Charles Grassley Questions Diversion of Fannie and Freddie Earnings
By Gretchen Morgenson. Details the U.S. Government's conservatorship and control over Fannie and Freddie, and discusses the intervention on behalf of shareholders by the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Charles E. Grassley.
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September 29, 2014 A Winning Solution For Every Constituency In Fannie Mae: Berkowitz
By Michael Ide. Article offers commentary on Bruce Berkowitz's interview with Consuelo Mack on WealthTrack, in which Berkowitz expresses his belief that the government and private shareholders would eventually reach a ‘win-win’ agreement.
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September 12, 2014
Wall Street Journal: Humans Naturally Follow Crowd Behavior
By Luci Gutierrez. Cites crowd psychology studies with implications for investors who follow the crowd (and those who ignore it).
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September 9, 2014
Forbes: What Happens if the Government Loses on the Third Amendment? The Senior Preferred Stock Certificates Spell Nothing But Trouble for the Government
By Richard Epstein. An eminent legal professor who advises Fairholme makes legal arguments against the U.S. Government in the case of Fairholme Funds v. United States.
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August 8, 2014
The Hill: Congress Blog. Stop the high-stakes sweep of Fannie and Freddie
By Tim Pagliara, founder of Investors Unite (a coalition of private investors committed to the preservation of shareholder rights for those invested in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). Activist investor Pagliara explains the Third Amendment sweep and his ideas for shareholder redress.
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July 14, 2014 3 Reasons the United States Should Keep Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
By Matthew Frankel. Gives reasons why it would be unwise to phase out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
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